Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Information as A Reanimation of Ourselves

Avatars, profiles, posting walls...these all represent information created to display ourselves as a creative individual. The question is, however do these pieces of information determine our interactions with others or do we control the interactions ourselves by placing these created representations/barriers on purpose? Does the creation of the information we distribute to others create an unreal perception, or merely an extension of the human ability to recognize intelligence when it sees it?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Enough. Is it Ever Enough?

Just a thought here towards the end...with the amount of information that now flows around the everyday life of the everyday citizen and the seemingly endless complexities that it takes to manage on all levels, is there a point where there is too much information? how does one measure the quality of life with the quantity of information it takes to sustain said life? Any takers?

Other Articles to Curl Up With on a Rainy Day...


Digital is as Digital Does

A digital article on digital information, (and little dissemination).

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Creating Information Here on the Home-Front

Let's give Google and Yahoo a run for their money. (And their credible sources).

How the Big Boys Get Their Info...

No matter the size of your database, or how well used, even Google shows us that there is a desire to study the environment around you to appreciate the quality of information creation. Especially if the environment is in cyberspace.

Creating Information, or Testing Patience?

For shock effect. You might remember the graphic.

We Have A Lot to Say...

We may have a lot, (of nothing), to say:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Technical, (and boring), but Important

Below is a link to a work on the visualization of knowledge. The subject matter pertains to the creation of knowledge, (and therefore information), through additional presentation of data.

The Allure of Creation Information...really?

The placing of surveys online is a widespread way gathering information through rather simple means. Below is a nice little link to anyone who would like to create some info of their own for free.

Thanks for the help from class...

Here are the links to other students' blogs. My thanks for this information being compiled on the Blackboard website.

Margaret Josephsen

Jamie Segno

Randall Ellis

Robert Miller

Traci Ragas

Amy Velazquez

Jennifer Lopez

Patricia Lafferty

Montgomery Lopez

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blogs on Blogs...

The following link is itself a blog posting on the creation of information environments. I think it is important to see what competitors, er, I mean co-bloggers have to say on similar topics.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who Might Need Information to be Created?

In an information society, organizations
of all kinds use information
and its associated technologies to
increase their efficiency, to stimu -
late innovation and to increase their
effectiveness and competitive position,
often through improvements
in the quality of the goods and services
that they produce. This
applies just as much to organizations
in the public and voluntary
sectors as it does to those in the private
sector. The key factor is the use
of information as a management
resource to improve organizational
efficiency and effectiveness.
There also tends to be a steady
process of industrial and organizational
re-structuring as organizations
move up the value-chain,
adding greater amounts of value
through the application of knowledge
and, in so doing, raising the
country’s gross.

Moore, N. (2001) Library Associations: Their Role in Supporting the Creation of
Information Societies
. IFLA journal [0340-0352]. vol:27 iss:3 pg:173.

Creation of Information Through Trial and Error?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Into the Basics

The need to understand the environment is paramount to the creation of information as stated in the following:

The requirements that are highlighted
include the need for continuous learning in this
turbulent, dynamic, and uncertain environment and the
importance of clearly understanding markets, developing
innovative product, promoting customer service offerings,
and providing a clear value-to-the-customer focus (Heinrichs, 2005, 622).

To create information, there must also be a plan in place to present the end result:

The information visualization capability of the competitive
intelligence tool aids in knowledge creation and strategic
information use by linking data representation with the
decision-making task(Heinrichs, 2005, 622).

The creation of information is, on the whole, (and to a certain degree, at its core), based on the competencies of the data that is being collected as this data will then be processed into the information itself:

These competencies
include the capability to discover the various patterns
in the data, appraise the success of the chosen strategy, develop
insights based upon the discovered patterns, and then
formulate responses to the generated insights (Heinrichs, 2005, 623).

John H. Heinrichs, Jeen-Su Lim. April 2005.Model for organizational knowledge creation and
strategic use of information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
, Volume 56, Number 6, pp. 620-629,

Monday, May 19, 2008

Let There Be...Information?

The First Law of Thermodynamics is that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, here we will attempt to discern whether or not the first half of that statement is true for information. Please post thoughts on the possibilities and problems with information creation itself and the methods through which this/these processes occur.